We cordially invite you to the annual interdisciplinary Moving Humanities conference of 2024, which will take place in Groningen on October 31st - November 1st. 

We are calling for papers now!

The purpose of this conference is to promote interdisciplinary collaboration within humanities, and to provide a space for up-and-coming academics to present their work.

This year’s theme is “resistance”, both in the subjects of research and within the humanities themselves. Resistance can be to the common way of understanding things, to other positions and interpretations, to change, or as a subject in itself. From clashes between linguistic theories to social movement dynamics to questioning the historical canon: you name it!

That being said, we welcome any contribution - even if it does not neatly fit this theme.

We are calling for abstracts for talks and poster presentations. We invite any submission from (research) master and PhD students, and will give special consideration for those which fit the broad theme of Resistance as defined above. Accepted submissions will receive feedback from assigned commentators at the conference.
A talk consists of a presentation of 20 minutes, followed by a Q&A including designated commentators. 

A poster presentation consists of a short putch and a poster. Abstracts for talks which are unsuccessful will be automatically considered for a poster presentation.

In both cases, abstracts should be no longer than 300 words (excluding bibliography). Please make sure to remove any identifying information from your abstract (e.g. affiliation, names). 

You will provide your contact information in the submission form, but selection will take place based on abstracts alone to ensure anonymity and fairness in the selection process.

The deadline for handing the abstract is July 24st, 2024.

The call for papers form can be found here.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.